Detroit Web Design

Friday, June 09, 2006

What is Brush Park?

Brush Park is about a 24 block area of Detroit between Woodward and Beaubien and extending to Mack Ave and the Fisher Freeway. In the 1850's up to the early 1900's the area housed some of the most affluent families in the Detroit area including the J.L Hudson family. In the early part of the 20th century a migration began as the rich moved to areas such as Boston Edison and Indian Village. By 1910 most of the houses in Brush Park were boarding houses. The post WWII exodus from the Detroit left Brush Park for the most part a ghost town. Little had been done with the area up to this point mostly due to static created by the wretched Coleman Young administration but fortunately things are changing. If you were to take a quick run through the area now you would see nearly every building is being renovated and converted into urban housing. Most of the stores on Woodward are occupied and businesses like coffee houses and bakeries, that would have died in a matter of months a few years back, are now thriving. It's an interesting contrast of urban decay and urban rebirth.

ModelDMedia has more information and a few pictures of the area if you are curious.

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