Detroit Web Design

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Typical City of Detroit Government

One of the factors that makes buying in downtown Detroit a feasible and practical move is that you get a tax abatement called a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone. A NEZ is essentially a tax break that lowers property tax a substantial amount.....somewhere in the vicinity of 75% or so. Although I should note that by taking up residence in Detroit you get hit with an income tax that swallows 2.5% or your pay per period. So the fact of the matter is that the NEZ tax break makes moving to Detroit about as economical as a moderately priced suburb. SO, with that said, I go to my mailbox today after a week vacation and find my tax bill. When I first saw the envelope I got a little pissed at myself for pissing so much money on way on beer the prior week but I quickly calmed myself realizing at the MOST it would be like $800. Much to my chagrin, and I say chagrin because I should have known the incompetent thieves that work for the City of Detroit.....the kind that have a GED and make $7.00 an hour but think they are fucking gifted......would fuck up my taxes. The tax bill is close to $4300. The incompetent asses had not lowered my taxable value although I had filed all the correct paperwork. I hold in my hand a signed document from the State of Michigan spelling out the taxable value of my property at a fraction of what the city billed me at. Tomorrow begins, what I believe to be, a LONG, arduos, uphill battle against the evil/ignorant city workers and their infamous lazy work ethic. I am hoping this epic is actually only a two part series ending with my writing tomorrow about someone saying "oops" and righting the wrong. I fear and expect to be bitching about this injustice for the next few months, ultimately losing the battle, and having to pay the crooked bastards. I am going in at 8am so rest assured I will be taking notes.

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