Detroit Web Design

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Detroit 1967 Race Riot Video

A well made video outlining the causes and destruction of the Detroit Riots.

Why the Parent's of Detroit Meter Maids do not love them

My girlfriend parked out in front of my building a couple nights ago. When I took the dog out the following morning I observed a true Detroit Hero....a meter maid....putting a ticket on her windshield. A quick glance of the parking situation revealed that a parking violation was humanely impossible. As the ugly monster put the ticket on the window I yelled something to the effect of "Excuse Me" or "Hi" which resulted in this courageous woman dropping the ticket and sprinting to her fast the best could. After processing the pathetic display I moseyed over to check out the ticket. The violation was something that makes me want to punch myself in the face. Apparently, she had violated the ordinance that required people to not park within TWENTY feet of a cross walk. Twenty feet? Is that in case someone may want to bring a boat across the street? I was flabbergasted. BUT, there is more. The crosswalk she claimed was obscured was actually on the other street. NO crosswalk is on the street the vehicle was parked. If you look at the pic you can clearly see a curb signify it is NOT a crosswalk. There IS a cross walk, with a ramp, crossing the other street. I took a picture because at 7am you are so pissed about being up that an incident like this pushes you over the edge and you are ready to fight this injustice. After a cup of coffee I realized that fighting the ticket would cost more time, effort, and money then paying the ticket. Apparently I am no more courageous than the sloth that wrote the ticket. Although, I do feel much better after writing this. If there are any meter maids out there that know I am wrong please let me know. I would feel better knowing it was a violation.

Detroit Promotional Video from 1965

Video narrated by then Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanaugh......I thought he was just a statue.

Typical City of Detroit Government

One of the factors that makes buying in downtown Detroit a feasible and practical move is that you get a tax abatement called a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone. A NEZ is essentially a tax break that lowers property tax a substantial amount.....somewhere in the vicinity of 75% or so. Although I should note that by taking up residence in Detroit you get hit with an income tax that swallows 2.5% or your pay per period. So the fact of the matter is that the NEZ tax break makes moving to Detroit about as economical as a moderately priced suburb. SO, with that said, I go to my mailbox today after a week vacation and find my tax bill. When I first saw the envelope I got a little pissed at myself for pissing so much money on way on beer the prior week but I quickly calmed myself realizing at the MOST it would be like $800. Much to my chagrin, and I say chagrin because I should have known the incompetent thieves that work for the City of Detroit.....the kind that have a GED and make $7.00 an hour but think they are fucking gifted......would fuck up my taxes. The tax bill is close to $4300. The incompetent asses had not lowered my taxable value although I had filed all the correct paperwork. I hold in my hand a signed document from the State of Michigan spelling out the taxable value of my property at a fraction of what the city billed me at. Tomorrow begins, what I believe to be, a LONG, arduos, uphill battle against the evil/ignorant city workers and their infamous lazy work ethic. I am hoping this epic is actually only a two part series ending with my writing tomorrow about someone saying "oops" and righting the wrong. I fear and expect to be bitching about this injustice for the next few months, ultimately losing the battle, and having to pay the crooked bastards. I am going in at 8am so rest assured I will be taking notes.

No posts over the last year

I haven't touched this blog in about year. When I was contemplating moving to downtown Detroit I wrote a moderate amount. After I moved, I stopped entirely. I haven't the faintest clue why. Well, that all changed today. I intend to use this blog to vent about all the bullshit I have seen and encountered while living Downtown. Most recently my tax bill. I am going to leave most of the posts from last year as a gauge of my naivety. Although, this blog will be taking shots at Detroit I do want to reiterate that I DO live here, I enjoy it, I am not leaving anytime soon. I just keep getting shit on by it.